LEED Project Spotlights
It’s Earth Day, and we proudly celebrate our “Green” Building Culture. Implementing a company-wide sustainability policy has facilitated consistent "green" practices across our job sites and within our office environment. Continue reading to learn more about featured LEED-achieving projects.
Virgin Hotel New Orleans
In addition to achieving LEED Silver certification for this Virgin Hotel New Orleans (2022), Broadmoor was awarded the 2022 Excellence in Sustainability Award (USGBC). This honor was granted due to the project for its outstanding energy efficiencies in lighting, HVAC, and major appliances. Additionally, the energy efficiency of the glazing system and accelerated construction approach reduced the overall energy consumption.
Tulane University Dining Commons
Broadmoor achieved LEED Silver Certification for the Tulane University Dining Commons (2019), being brought on at 50% of Design Document Completion. Our preconstruction procedures emphasize the commitment and multidisciplinary cooperation crucial to achieving LEED certification, specifically regarding trade partner coordination. During construction, the project team increases LEED points by reinforcing all sustainable practices and collaborating with the design team to seek additional opportunities.
Tulane University Goldring Woldenberg Business Complex
Broadmoor achieved LEED Gold Certification for the Tulane University Goldring Woldenberg Business Complex (2017). This project was designed for LEED Silver, and Broadmoor was brought on at 100% Construction Document completion. The team exceeded Owner expectations by applying a comprehensive project management approach that kept sustainability top of mind.