Lean Approach
Efficiency, Quality Control, & Safety
culture of Continuous Improvement
Broadmoor is proud of the countless strides we have taken to achieve a Lean Culture within our organization, and we remain committed to implementing these practices every day. By utilizing various Lean tools, we have developed a culture that allows us to improve our work here within the community continuously. This culture identifies means and methods for organizations to more accurately identify waste and focus on continuous improvement, all while maintaining respect for people. This philosophy allows our team to produce a more efficient system for building delivery while continuing to cultivate our internal culture of trust, safety, respect, honesty, and accountability. Our primary goals in utilizing this system are to (1) create a culture focusing on our people, (2) increase customer satisfaction, and (3) further our core purpose of Honorably Serving Our Community.
3X More likely to Complete ahead of schedule
2X More likely to Complete Under Budget
Raising the bar for our Industry
Our Lean journey began in 2013 with Vice President Greg Lusignan's introduction to the Lean Construction Institute and his foresight and commitment to internal and external Lean integration. Broadmoor was a founding member of the New Orleans Community of Practice for the Lean Construction Institute (LCI) in 2017. The local market has had an overwhelming interest in embracing LEAN, with over 200 members in the chapter.
LCI New Orleans Community of Practice Founding Member
LeanFORWARD Initiative
Our Lean Committee implements our internal LeanFORWARD initiative. The team promotes organization-wide LEAN education and training and engages with the local and national community. This tenacious group meets monthly to ensure consistent and enthusiastic initiative incorporation and leads our innovative TEAM 5+1 approach.